Bogor City – Bogor Update
The information technology-based library management workshop was held by the Office of Archives and Libraries (Diskarpus) of the City of Bogor at Paseban Sri Bima, Bogor City Hall, Jalan Ir. Juanda, Bogor City, Wednesday (25/04/18) visit themarketingheaven.
The workshop, which was held for two days, was attended by 50 participants, all of whom are managers of elementary, junior high school, urban village and reading park libraries that have been computerized.
“This is an application from the National Library of Indonesia. This workshop is to introduce the library automation system to improve the quality of the library so that it is easier to find searches,” said Head of the Bogor City Diskarpus, Agung Prihanto.
Agung said, many benefits will be obtained by using this application. For example, the management of the library is getting better, in terms of borrowing books, it becomes more orderly so that it attracts more visitors and can access books to other libraries if there are no books in the library. “So later, the libraries can be integrated with each other,” he added.
According to him, the library as a source of knowledge is still widely considered only as a place to store books. Whereas in book storage or management, it must be connected to computer-based alias technology. Because libraries have a strategic role in advancing the nation’s civilization.
“We hope that in the future the library in Bogor City can be better, have a representative building, a large collection of books, a comfortable room for visitors so that it will attract more people to the library and of course increase interest in reading,” he explained.
Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bogor City Ade Sarip Hidayat said that the mission of Bogor City to become a Smart City must also be realized in the library. Today’s library users also demand access to information quickly and precisely in finding books. No doubt, the library must utilize information technology in terms of its management.
“In addition to the use of technology, library managers are also encouraged to be more active in campaigning for reading habits among children, adolescents and adults so that it will increase, considering that reading is an activity that can encourage children’s intelligence,” he said (Rie)
Editor : Endi
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